
We welcome all to join the Italian Cultural Centre of Milton to embrace and celebrate Italian culture with meaningful connections and treasured memories in the heart of our vibrant community.  As a member of the ICCM, you will gain access to a year filled with exciting cultural events, engaging activities, and support an organization committed to inclusivity, community giving and nurturing traditions while embracing diversity.

A Membership Application must be completed annually. Members will maintain their membership by an annual payment set by the ICCM Board. Annual Membership is valid from the date of Annual Meeting of the current term to the next Annual Meeting.


Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA) took effect as of October 19, 2021.  This means not-for-profit corporations previously governed under the Corporations Act had three years from the date ONCA came into force to review and amend their documents to conform with the new act.  The changes aim to provide a modern, flexible framework for these organizations focusing on transparency, accountability, and governance.  As a result of this act,  ICCM has made steps to amend its by-laws, to incorporate the mandatory ONCA changes while staying true to ICCM’s mission and values.  The new by-laws will be approved at our next Annual Meeting scheduled for Wednesday September 18th, 2024 at 7:00pm.

ICCM Membership (Voting)

Class A Member – Voting (ages 18 and older) – $75


Voting Members shall be individuals 18 years of age or older who have applied by completing an ICCM Membership Application and have been accepted for Membership in the Corporation by the Board of Directors. The term of Membership shall be one year (from the date of the Annual Meeting to the following Annual Meeting), subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Corporation.


A Class A Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend, and vote at all meetings of Members, and be entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings. A Voting Member agrees to express an interest in the preservation of the Italian Culture and heritage in Milton; and supports the ICCM Vision and Mission of Milton Community Giving.

 Active Members in good standing for a minimum of one year and if qualified, can stand for election as a Director of the Board.

 Benefits of a Voting Member include:

  • Voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and all other meetings of Members
  • Option to sit on ICCM Committees
  • Discounts to all ICCM Events
  • Discount on Hall Rentals (fee of membership)
  • Drop in Bocce (no fee)

Class C Member– Lifetime Founding – Voting – No Fee


Founding Members of the Corporation and their spouses shall be deemed to be lifetime Members within the Corporation with all fees paid in full

Founding Members Children shall be deemed to be lifetime Members within the Corporation with all fees paid in full.


As set up in the Articles, each Class C Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend, and vote at all meetings of Members, and each Class C Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings.  Founders may attend regular meetings of the Board, however, may not vote on resolutions and must register as a delegate prior to the meeting to speak on a particular issue of interest and have full voting privileges at annual meetings.

 A Class C Member can stand for election as a Director of the Board.

 Benefits of a Class C Member include:

  • Voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and all other meetings of Members
  • Lifetime Membership fees paid in full
  • Option to sit on ICCM Committees
  • Discounts to all ICCM Events
  • Discount on Hall Rentals (fee of membership)
  • Drop in Bocce (no fee)

ICCM Membership (Non-Voting)

Class B Member – Non-Voting

Individual Member (18 years of age to 64) – $50

Individual Member (65 years and older) – $25

Business Member – $200


Non-Voting Members shall be individuals 18 years of age or older or corporations who have applied and been accepted for Membership in the Corporation by the Board of Directors. The term of Membership for Non-Voting Members shall be one year (from date of Annual Meeting to the following Annual Meeting), subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Corporation.


A Non-Voting Member shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend, but shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Members.

 Benefits of an Individual – Non-Voting Member include:

  • Discounts to select ICCM Events
  • Discount on Hall Rentals (fee of membership)
  • Drop in Bocce (no fee)

 Benefits of a Business – Non-Voting Member include:

  • 4 Hours of weekday rental time (Mon-Friday based on availability) at no charge
  • Discount on additional Hall Rentals (maximum $100)
  • Logo on ICCM Website as a supporter of ICCM


    Membership Application

    *Required fields

    Pricing includes HST

    Payment can be made by e-transfer to: [email protected]
    or you can use PayPal Form provided

    To Unsubscribe please email: [email protected]

    Membership Applications

    The membership application must be completed each year. Membership is valid from the date of the current AGM and expires the following AGM.

    Membership – Voting (Individual):  $75
    Membership – Non Voting (18-64): $50
    Membership – Individual Non Voting (65 +): $25
    Membership – Business: $200

    Pay Membership Fee Online

    Use the PayPal form below or e-transfer to [email protected]